About MealTech

Current meat production methods are unsustainable for future demands and is resource intensive

MealTech is a leading cultivated meat company that is revolutionizing the food industry.

  • MealTech is using cutting-edge technology to produce meat.
  • MealTech is offering a sustainable and ethical alternative to traditional meat production.
  • MealTech's process involves taking animal cells and nurturing them in a carefully controlled environment until they form muscle tissue, which is then harvested and processed into meat products.

The company's goal is to provide high-quality meat products that are not only delicious but also better for the environment and animal welfare.

In-housed developed, growth media for cultivation of animal cells

90% less expensive than the commercial media

Growth rate of cells is equivalent to commercial Media

PoC of growing Chicken cells established

Ready for scale-up & commercialization

Vision and Mission

At MealTech, our mission is to transform the global food system by producing high-quality, nutritious, and sustainable meat products through innovative and responsible use of technology. We are committed to creating a positive impact on the environment, reducing the carbon footprint of animal agriculture, and improving the welfare of animals. Our goal is to make our cultivated meat products accessible and affordable to all, and to help people adopt a healthier, more sustainable diet. By doing so, we hope to contribute to a healthier and more sustainable future for our planet and its inhabitants.


Provide safe and affordable meat via sustainable and efficient Technologies


Develop disruptive technologies


Global brand to serve every household

If you love Food & Science,
we look forward to speaki​ng with you for inclusive growth.

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